microstock offers the potential of having a career

photography © Nicole S. Young

Nicole S. Young wrote down her experiences with Microstock Photography. Her e-book (micro)STOCK: FROM PASSION TO PAYCHECK was released at Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 in the series of CRAFT&VISON.

Nicole´s conclusion is: microstock is ”available to virtually everyone and it offers the potential of having a career with limitless creative freedom and a really great lifestyle.“ Nicole also tells her readers that “like many things in life it’s definitely not easy” to exploit the potential of Microstock Photography. So I choosed this photograph above to highlight my opinion: Nicole´s deliberations appear as reliable as far as I have experienced the world till now.

Starting from trying out and hoping for some dollars Nicole did the whole way to a fulltime career. From her “start to finish it was a solid 2.5–3 years of growing” her microstock business before she was on her “own, single, and paying” her “way through life with photography“. She had a lot learning experiences with photography and microstock before she made the decision to become a professional photographer with the microstock being her “bread and butter”. So her story and the three stories (case studies) from other photographers inserted in the e-book tell us that they started diminutive, made the transition slowly and found their specific road to pecuniary success photographing what they love.

There is a »but« too: You must serve the needs of your unknown customers – Nicole will tell you her insights. A good microstock agency will treat you with inspections and image requirements – Nicole will tell you those in brief. You will have to do a lot work on your own and have to learn from your faults: learning by doing! Nicole´s e-book (micro)STOCK: FROM PASSION TO PAYCHECK will help you to avoid some faults and will help to start with a clear sight of what you are heading.

The PDF version of (micro)STOCK usually is offered for 5$. You can use the promotional code MICRO4 when you checkout to save one dollar OR use the code MICRO20 to get 20% off when you buy 5 or more PDF ebooks from the Craft & Vision collection. These codes expire at 11:59pm PST June 11, 2011.